Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Present Economic Sitation Has Had a Negative Effect On the Essay

The Present Economic Sitation Has Had a Negative Effect On the Community - Essay Example While relative to the specific community, it’s clear that a great amount of communities have encountered increased crime rates as a direct result of the economic recession. Consider a recent report that indicated, â€Å"Of 233 police agencies surveyed by the Police Executive Research Forum†¦44 percent reported a rise in certain types of crime they attributed to the United States worst economic and financial crisis in decades† (Colvin). In these regards, it’s clear that because of the tight economic situation, increased amount of individuals have resorted to crime. The ultimate result is a strong negative effect on communities. Another major negative effect the economic recession has had on communities is neighborhood blight. One of the core causes of the economic recession was the collapsing housing market. The collapse in the house market resulted in a strong negative impact on communities. Increasing amount of individuals found that they could not pay their mortgages and subsequently defaulted on their loans. The result of this was neighborhoods with high amount of abandoned homes. Consider that â€Å"Very few in the multifamily sector  did not experience high vacancy factors from 2007 to 2009† ("GreenLandlady"). In these regards, there is a direct cause and effect relationship between the economic recession, increased vacancy factors, and urban blight. The cumulative effect of these elements has a significant negative impact on communities. The final negative effect the current economic situation has had on communities is general social malaise. This understanding considers that the economic recession has caused a great amount of people to lose their jobs. This aspect of the recession has had a fall-out effect, reducing the amount of independent businesses that are able to successful operate in the community and leading individuals to increasingly

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

I have a school project where i have to speak its like a presentation Assignment

I have a school project where i have to speak its like a presentation. I am assigned senior judge - Assignment Example A contract case law that better explains this argument is the Lesotho Highlands Development Authority vs. Impregilo spA. In the case, the World Bank financed the construction of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project, and this included the construction of the Katse dam in 1991. My Lords, in 1998, a dispute arose between the clients, the Lesotho Highlands Development Authority, and the contractor. This is because of other unexpected labor costs brought by the Highland Water Venture (Hood, 31). In October 2001, the issue was brought before an arbitration tribunal. In 2002, the tribunal ruled in favor of Highland Water Venture and gave an award of more than 6 million pounds. However, the Lesotho Highlands water project challenged the decision of the tribunal in an English court, under the arbitration act, section 67 and 68. They argued that the arbitrators exceeded their authority in respect to the amount awarded, and the currency in which the award was made. The appeal was allowed in a court, and in November 2002, the commercial court ruled that the tribunal violated section 68 of the arbitration act. My Lords, part 3 (a), and (d) of the 1996 section 69 of the arbitration act allows this court of appeal to settle this dispute. Part 3 (a) denotes that an individual can seek the intervention of the court of appeal if the nature of conflict, and the resolution of the same conflict be a lower court will affect the rights of all parties concerned. In this dispute between the University of East England, and Ms. Edwards, the issue under challenge is whether the University is liable in case of negligence by its staff which results to loss or damage of the student’s property. On this note, this case needs to examine on whether the contract signed by Ms. Edwards breaks the Unfair Contract Act of 1977. b) Students residing in the University

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Financial Reporting Techniques and Methods

Financial Reporting Techniques and Methods Introduction Over the course of the last few decades there has been considerable discussion and debate regarding financial reporting and, in particular, the appropriate measurement basis that should be implemented for use with a corporation’s financial statements. During this period international accounting standard bodies have been endeavouring to develop an agreed standard conceptual framework that is acceptable by all accounting regulatory bodies for use in financial statement, irrespective of the corporation and its country of domicile, and one that identifies the items to be included within the statements and the manner in which these should be measured (Johnson 2004). The intention is to avoid a situation where there are numerous differing standard of financial reporting in operation within the global market place (Bullen and Crook 2005, p.5). However, attempts to achieve this international consensus, specifically in terms of the measurement basis used, has not been universally accepted, with many divergence of views on the subject emerging from corporate management, the accounting profession and the users of financial statements. As the ICAEW (2006, p.5), commented in their recent report, â€Å"Current measurement practices are complex, diverse and apparently inconsistent. There is clearly at least a case for something more consistent and, presumably, simpler.† The difficulty remains that arriving at such a simplistic resolution needs to address the fact that many elements of measurement within accounting processes are subject to judgment, convention and estimation (ICAEW 2006, p.20). The purpose of this paper is to analyse the various measurement basis currently in use and evaluate their advantages and disadvantages and, as a result of this analysis attempt to identify the areas that required further consideration prior to the requirements for measurements being embodied within a revised international conceptual framework. However, to provide some background on this issue, it is considered necessary to firstly understand the purpose of financial statements, in terms of those who use them and their needs to facilitate that usage. Users of Financial Statements Whilst in terms of publicly quoted companies the main users are seen as management, investors and analysts, there are a number of other groups that use financial statements for a range of purposes. These include the business employees, its lenders and suppliers, governmental departments and, in some cases, members of the public (IFP 2006). Each of these groups have different needs which the financial statements need to address when considering the measurement base they are going to employ, dependent upon which group these reports are being targeted at. In terms of investors, analysts and those generally involved with the global capital markets and stock exchanges, their need is for reliable and accurate information upon which they can base economic decisions (Gregoriou and Gaber p.16 and p.64). Furthermore it is important to this group that the monetary information provided reflects a current and fair value of the business and its relevant information. Governments and regulatory bodies have similar needs in relation to assessing the financial position and results of a business, in their case the purpose is to evaluation economic decisions such as potential taxation revenue from which they will be able to assess the state of the national economy and public spending levels. Other users groups identified, which include employees, suppliers and lenders, approach financial statements in a slightly different manner, with their focus on using the financial statements to assess the corporations potential impact upon their lives and businesses. For example, a supplier or lender is unlikely to conduct business with a corporation whose financial statements show lack of liquidity or cash flow difficulties. Similarly, employees wish to assure themselves that a) their pensions are protected and b) that their employment is with a financially secure business. In other words their needs relate more to the physical tangible and immediately realisable assets such as cash, rather than less relevant â€Å"fair value† aspects of the statements. However, historically management have been more reluctant to provide these groups with financial accounting data (Purdy 1978), although corporate governance regulations have eliminated much of their control over such matters. Whilst there ate differing purposes for which these groups need financial statements, and they may value certain measurements bases more than others, as Johnson (2004) accurately stated, the basic need of all the users is wealth. Just as Investors and capital market players are looking to protect and increase their wealth, so to are governments, employees, lenders and suppliers. In reality it is the user who is benefited by improvements in the quality of the reporting standards more than the company itself (Langendijk et al 2003, p.194) and they need to be assured that the statements provided by corporations that they are involved with show an accurate and truthful position of the business that they can rely upon to make informed judgements relating to their individual needs. Measurement Bases for Financial Statements Over the decades there have been a number of measurement bases used for financial reporting purposes and his reports focuses upon those that are considered the most important of these methods. Historical Cost In the past the historical cost reporting method has been the predominant choice for financial reporting, favoured by many because it is more factually based and therefore considered to be â€Å"more transparent† (Langendijk et al 2003, p.74 and p.329). The basis of historical cost measurement is that a monetary item can be identified by the actual price paid for an item purchased or received from an item sold, whether these relate to revenue and expenditure items or assets and liabilities. Therefore, if a business purchases an item of equipment for  £10,000, that is the fiscal amount that will appear within its balance sheet. The historical cost measurement, whilst it takes into account the loss of value of an asset, for example by depreciating the value of a motor vehicle over its perceived useful life, does not take into account any potential increase in the value of an asset until the date the asset has been sold. Therefore, if the business owns a property, which is known generally to be an appreciating asset, under the historical cost method, this property will appear in the balance sheet at cost until it is subsequently sold. Therefore it is apparent that any true gain or loss made on such assets will not be accounted for until the time of sale. Similarly, assets and liabilities that have no cost, such as internally developed software that can be sold, as they do not have a unit value will not appear as within the company’s financial statements using this method of measurement. With regard to income, the purpose of the historical cost method is to link costs expended with revenue that is generated at the same time (ICAEW 2006, p.23). Current Cost – Value to the Business In essence current cost measurement, of value to the business, as it is sometimes known, is based upon the concept of â€Å"physical capital maintenance† (Gregoriou and Gaber 2006, p.132). In other words as Gregoriou and Gaber (2006) state in the same passage â€Å"a periods income is positive only if the depreciation amount based on current cost is earned.† The basic premise of this measurement is an attempt to calculate â€Å"how much worse off a business would be if it were deprived of an asset† (ICAEW 2006, p.24). The reverse is also true in that with a liability it is necessary to ascertain how much better off a business would be if the said liability were removed from the business. The core measurement in this case is predominantly based upon including within the financial statements the current replacement cost of the asset and to this extent, unlike the historical cost method it recognises the gain or loss to the business within the period of the statements rather than at some later date. Furthermore, the value to the business method takes into account the serviceable quality of the asset when comparing the asset held against the value of a replacement asset of the same specification. Current cost measurement is designed to provide a measurement of opportunity cost of a business, which some researchers, such as Edwards et al (1987, p.10) have regarded as the only correct manner to measure the true profit and capital. Realisable Value IFP[1] (2006, p.28) define net realisable value as the â€Å"selling price of the item in the ordinary course of business.† Although similar to the historical, current cost and fair value measurement methods in some respects, the realisable value method focuses upon the price at which an asset can be sold, or the cost at which a liability can be cleared. The realisable value measurement also includes, in the majority of cases, the costs that are attached to that sale or settlement. Therefore it will record the net monetary result of the transaction, for example settlement of a liability will be shown as the cost of settling the debt and any costs that are incurred within that process, such as commissions or interest payable. Similarly, with assets the sale price reflected will be net of such costs as commissions and associated costs. Realisable value is considered by some to reflect the value that might attach to a business in the event of a forced sale, for example in the case of liquidation. Others, such as the ISAB[2] (ISAB 2) view it as an â€Å"entity-specific† form of measurement, which differentiates its focus from that of the fair-value method of measurement. Fair Value The fair value measurement basis is perhaps the most difficult model to describe, although it is currently the method favoured by the majority of the international standards board. The primary target of this method â€Å"extends to non-financial items† and is directed at the â€Å"valuation of assets and liabilities in the balance sheet† (Langendijk et al 2003, p.22 and p.108). The ISAB (2006, p.12) paper states, â€Å"the objective of fair value measurement is to reflect the market value of an asset† with the reporting statements. Where this is not possible, because such a market does not exist then an estimate should be used based on what would be considered to be the value if a market was available for the asset. Thus, when preparing the financial statements, if the fair value method is being used, it is incumbent upon the management and their auditors to seek and report independent valuations in respect of the assets and liabilities that will be recorded in the corporation’s balance sheet. In practice therefore, fair value is based upon an exit value approach (ICAEW 2006, p.29) to monetary recording, although the international standard regulatory body (ISAB) does allow for the use of other measurement methods where â€Å"fair value† is not deemed feasible or appropriate. In reality corporations have a tendency in practice to utilise a combination of the measurement bases depending upon the monetary item being recorded and the differences that occur in terms of their individual industry, business size and structure (ICAEW 2006, p.3). Furthermore, as can be seen from the ICAEW (2006) discussion paper, there is an element of inter-relationship between them, which provides for additional complication. Advantages and Disadvantages Generally it is agreed that, irrespective of the method of measurement used, all of the methods have a certain degree of uncertainty and the need for estimation, although the intention is for such estimations to be based on factual information available on the date the measurement takes place (ISAB 2006, p.12). However, as outlined below, there are some significant advantages and disadvantages that attract to each of the measurement bases that are discussed within the previous section of this report. One of the fundamental benefits of this measurement method is its conservative approach to financial reporting. This is beneficial in that: It reduces the risk of unrealised future gains, which may not transpire, being distributed to shareholders in advance of the event, thereby protecting lenders and creditors. Reported profits are lower (IFP 2006, 310), which has taxation benefits in that tax is not payable upon income that has not been realised. Furthermore, management incentive schemes are unable to take advantage of profits shown though other methods that may not materialise. Less opportunity for use of inflated valuations. Another advantage that attracts to historical cost is that it is more in tune with the information that the business managers use, and indeed their processes of financial recording systems and, for some users will be more relevant to the business and, as such is an objective measurement of values (IFP 2006 p.33). In terms of the inherent disadvantages of this method, some critics view its historical nature as being the major drawback because: The information contained is out of date and therefore cannot be relied upon to give an accurate worth. The lack of value appreciation leads to an understating of the business worth and asset value. The difference between historical and current values is misleading for investors and analysts (ICAEW 2006, p.8). Current Cost – Value to the Business The major advantage that attracts to the current cost method is the relevance that it has to users of the information outside of the business management. By its nature this method provides: Competitors with an idea of the costs of new entry to the specific corporations industry market place. Regulatory bodies can use the information to assess whether there is fairness being exercised in terms of competitive advantage. Potential investors are more able to ascertain the business operational capacity on an ongoing basis. Furthermore, it is perceived by many observers that the relevance of each individual asset or liability being measured in this manner is advantageous because it provides a better overall view of the business. The reverse view of this method is based upon a number of points, the main one being the fact that the purpose of management is the maintenance of profit and increase in shareholder value, and that this does not relate to the operating capital. It is more important in this respect to increase the wealth that stakeholders receive from their investment, by achieve better returns on resources, than it is to concentrate upon operating capital. It is also considered that the rapid changes currently occurring within the market place and the pace of advancement in modern technologies negates the perceived advantages that potential new entrants gain from the this method. Realisable Value Realisable value is attractive to some users, particularly investors and vendors, because of its accuracy in denoting and reflecting the net cash position from the realisation of an asset or liability. Therefore: They are not misled into making decisions based upon monetary information that has not taken into account contractual costs attached to the sale or settlement of a balance sheet item. It becomes easier to ascertain the ongoing prospects of the business. For example, one can decide on the basis of realisable value, when a business is approaching a position of no longer being seen to be a going concern. As with current cost and fair value, the disadvantages of this method are that it does not directly relate to the information that the business management uses on a regular basis and, additionally, it relies upon a degree of estimation that is calculated according to the judgement of the business advisors, which may or may not come to fruition in the amounts submitted. Thus the position indicated within the statements may not be sustainable (ICAEW 2006, p.33). There are many academics, economists and other observers who believe that fair value is the most appropriate measurement for use in financial account, but equally there are those who disagree with this view (Langendijk et al 2003, p.52). Those who support the fair value approach claim that it is beneficial to certain user groups, including investors and lenders in that its application to individual and separate assets and liabilities gives a number of benefits: Provides a measure of the realisable value of the asset worth on disposal. More accurately identifies which assets could be sold without adversely affecting the business activity and future success. It saves the user considerable time, effort and cost in having to recalculate figures contained within other methods of valuation. Those who disagree with this measurement state that it is irrelevant to the actual intention of the business management in that the fact that the item is included within the financial statements indicates that there was no intention to sell at that time. Similarly, those in disagreement argue that, in the majority of cases, separating assets in a sales situation produces a lower return for the business than a sale containing an amalgam of asset sales is likely to return. For example, the sale of a part of a business specific revenue asset would produce a lesser price than the sale of the total assets that contribute to that asset stream. Thus it has the effect of depreciating rather than enhancing shareholder and business value. The other difficulty that is perceived to attach itself to fair value is the variety of ways in which it can be calculated and the various treatments that are used (ICAEW 2006, p.9). Improvement to conceptual framework Both of the major accounting standard boards, ISAB and FSAB[3] are aware that the existing conceptual framework for financial reporting requires improvement (Gregoriou and Gaber 2006, p.101) and that it is important that the information that these produce relating to corporations is â€Å"complete and free from error and bias† (IFP 2006, p.21). However, there are a number of areas that need to be investigated further to ensure that the revised conceptual framework envisaged is an improvement on the existing situation. The most important of these is clarification of the information that needs to be included or omitted from the financial reports and, additionally, if inclusive how and where it should be presented (Bullen and Crook 2005, p.13). At present the framework classification is not extensive enough to eradicate confusion. Furthermore, there remains at present some ambiguity in relation to the definition of the control and terminology with relation to â€Å"assets† and â€Å"liability† (Bullen and Crook 2005, p.12). Similarly, a more constructive approach to the measurement bases needs to be taken. In this respect the conceptual framework needs to more precisely identify which measurements would be appropriate for each particular item that appears within the financial statements. Failure to address this leaves an element of uncertainty, which can be damaging for both business managers and those who use and rely upon the reports. Additionally, in our opinion, there remains the problem of compatibility. There is no doubt that it is necessary to endeavour to achieve a standard of reporting that is acceptable to all of the business stakeholders, which includes the management and users who rely upon these statements. At present, as can be evidenced by the continuing debate on this subject, that harmony between the parties involved is not being met. Conclusion From the research that has been conducted in the preparation of this paper, it is the opinion of the author that there is a need for a revision of the international conceptual framework. In addition, it is also considered that the measurement bases to be used within this need to be more clearly defined. In the author’s opinion, one important and central point that it is felt necessary to take into account is that, in effect, all financial statements are historical at the time they are released. The rapidity of change that occurs within the market place and in new technology development means that factual, opinion based and estimated information contained within the financial statements is historical at the moment of publication. Therefore it is necessary to temper any improvements to the framework being considered against this premise. Bibliography Bullen, Halsey. S and Crook, Kimberley (2005). Revisiting the concepts. Retrieved 24 June 2007 from Edwards, Jeremy., Kay, John and Mayer Colin (1987). The Economic Analysis of Accounting Profitability. Clarendon Press. Oxford, UK. Gregoriou, Greg. N and Gaber, Mohamed (eds) (2006). International Accounting: Standards, Regulations, Financial Reporting. Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. Oxford, UK. ICAEW (2006). Measurement in Financial Reporting. Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Retrieved 25 June 2007 from IFP (2006). Financial Reporting. International Financial Publishing Ltd. Guildford, UK ISAB (2006). Measurement Bases for Financial Accounting Measurement on Initial Recognition. Canadian Accounting Standards Board. Retrieved 23 June 2007 from Johnson, L. Todd (2004). The project to revisit the conceptual framework. The FASB Report, Dec 2004. Retrieved 25 June 2007 from Johnson, L. Todd (2004). Understanding the conceptual framework. The FASB Report, Dec 2004. Retrieved 25 June 2007 from Langendijk, Henk., Swagerman, Dirk and Verhoog, Willem (eds) (2003). Is Fair Value Fair?: Financial Reporting from an International Perspective. John Wiley Sons Ltd. Chichester, UK. Purdy, D.E., (1978). The Information Requirements of Employees. City of London Polytechnic. London, UK. Footnotes [1] International Financial Publishing [2] International Standards Accounting Board [3] Federal Accounting Standard Board (US).

Friday, October 25, 2019

Brave New World Essay -- essays research papers

Summary: Chapter 1 The novel opens in the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre. The year is a.f. 632 (632 years â€Å"after Ford†). The Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning is giving a group of students a tour of a factory that produces human beings and conditions them for their predestined roles in the World State. He explains to the boys that human beings no longer produce living offspring. Instead, surgically removed ovaries produce ova that are fertilized in artificial receptacles and incubated in specially designed bottles. The Hatchery destines each fetus for a particular caste in the World State. The five castes are Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon. Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon undergo the Bokanovsky Process which involves shocking an egg so that it divides to form up to ninety-six identical embryos, which then develop into ninety-six identical human beings. The Alpha and Beta embryos never undergo this dividing process, which can weaken the embryos. The Director explains that the Bokanovsky Process facilitates social stability because the clones it produces are predestined to perform identical tasks at identical machines. The cloning process is one of the tools the World State uses to implement its guiding motto: â€Å"Community, Identity, Stability.† The Director goes on to describe Podsnap’s Technique which speeds up the ripening process of eggs within a single ovary. With this method, hundreds of related individuals can be produced from the ova and sperm of the same man and woman within two years. The average production rate using Podsnap’s Technique is 11,000 brothers and sisters in 150 batches of identical twins. Called over by the director, Mr. Henry Foster, an employee at the plant, tells the attentive students that the record for this particular factory is over 16,000 siblings. The Director and Henry Foster continue to explain the processes of the plant to the boys. After fertilization, the embryos travel on a conveyor belt in their bottles for 267 days, the gestation time period for a human fetus. On the last day, they are â€Å"decanted,† or born. The entire process is designed to mimic the conditions within a human womb, including shaking every few meters to familiarize the fetuses with movement. Seventy percent of the female fetuses are sterilized; they are known as â€Å"freemartins.† The fetuses undergo different treatments depending ... ...Helmholtz is preoccupied with the thought that his writing talent could be better used than simply for writing hypnopaedic phrases. His work leaves him feeling empty and unfulfilled. Bernard becomes nervous, jumping up at one point because he thinks, wrongly, that someone is listening at the door. Summary: Chapter 5 After a game of Obstacle Golf, Henry and Lenina fly in a helicopter over a crematorium where phosphorous is collected from burning bodies for fertilizer. They drink coffee with soma before heading off to the Westminster Abbey Cabaret. They take another soma dose before they return to Henry’s apartment. Although the repeated doses of soma have made them almost completely oblivious to the world around them, Lenina remembers to use her contraceptives. Every other Thursday, Bernard has to take part in Solidarity Service at the Fordson Community Singery. The participants sit twelve to a table, alternating men and women. While a rousing hymn plays, the participants pass a cup of strawberry ice cream soma and take a soma tablet with it. They work themselves into a frenzy of exultation and the ceremony ends in a sex orgy that leaves Bernard feeling more isolated than ever.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Video Games Are Not a Bad Influence on Children

Majority of people think that video games are a bad influence on children and teens. Children need to know what is right from worng and the people that can teach them is their parents. Children need to realize reality from fiction. School teacher can also help the children with the reality. I believe that videos games do not have a bad influence on children.Parents need to teach their children that video games are only games and the thing that are done in the games are things that can not be done in the real world. Video games have more violence now than usual, but the parents should teach their children that violence is not the way to solve anything. Majority of the young parents accept the violence video games because they themselves grew up with those games and they want their children to go up with them as well.The old generations didn't grow up with video games and the new generation is. The factuly and staff of the school can also prevent violence, because just as much as child ren are with their parents they are with the factuly and staff at the school. When a child does or even makes a gesture its up to the factuly or staff to put a stop to it. If the factuly or staff does not put a stop to the bad gesture then the child is going to think its ok and he is going to keep doing it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ace Manufacturing Essay

Of all the topics in this course, many students find Lesson 4 to be the most frustrating. I think this may be due in part to an apparent contradiction: there are lots of numbers and equations to work with, but surprisingly little certainty in our conclusions. I share your frustrations at times. Fortunately, these cases are the only â€Å"strictly financial† case studies †¦ the only ones where number crunching is an end unto itself. However, basic financial analysis will always be an important part of our toolkit for making pricing decisions. The document which follows contains the â€Å"answers† to these two case study assignments: Ace Manufacturing and Healthy Spring Water. Despite the financial emphasis, they are similar to the previous cases insofar as they’re intentionally open-ended and somewhat vague to encourage you to draw out all of the contingencies and factors that need to be considered. They’re intended to stimulate thinking. If you feel a bit frustrated by that, it probably means they’re working. Only after you’ve identified the issues and concepts that are relevant to the questions can you start to focus your efforts on how to solve the problem. This is my answer key (of sorts) for the two assigned cases. I know  how much many of you struggled with this case and your efforts were not in vain. Having had to slog through all of the confounding complexities of financial analysis is necessary to fully prepared you for what may lie ahead in your professional endeavors. Ace Manufacturing 1. What is the relevant unit cost for making this pricing decision? There are two primary alternatives that you might consider when approaching this question. Those of you who have this type of responsibility in a â€Å"real world† context are likely to suggest that fixed costs and G&A costs should be allocated equally/proportionately across the two products. At the opposite extreme, you might have chosen to argue that the additional 30,000 units should only be required to cover the incremental costs incurred †¦ implying a relevant unit cost of $7.50. Is one of these approaches â€Å"better† or â€Å"more correct† than the other? Is one of them more realistic? More conservative? Is one approach more conventional †¦ and does being â€Å"conventional† mean it is correct? Arguing persuasively for either position †¦ or a compromise view in between the two †¦ has some merit. And †¦ I’ll certainly try to be fair in evaluating your work, but I have a bias toward being both conservative and coldly realistic. Here’s my thinking †¦ building the units requires using designs that cost money to build and tooling that the company borrowed money to purchase. These are direct fixed costs. They also require maintenance of the plant which is currently being covered by the first 150,000 units. Since incurring these costs is necessary to producing the additional 30,000 units, why shouldn’t the additional 30,000 units be required to cover a fair share of the costs? That leaves the $60,000 increase in General and Administrative Costs associated with the new production †¦ which I would treat in the same way as the increases in direct fixed costs. Does all of this â€Å"squabbling† about how and where to allocate costs make a difference? It makes a big difference in evaluating the profitability of pursuing this new account. 2. Is this business sufficiently profitable to make bidding worthwhile? Although there can be a few subtle variations on this analysis, here’s the way that the two alternative approaches to allocating costs break down: One approach (Plan A) yields a profitable outcome †¦ $2.50 per incremental unit. The other, a loss of $1.25 per incremental unit. When you look at the total dollars columns, however †¦ either scheme generates the same level of profitability – a net gain of $75,000. Confused? The notion of the incremental units covering their â€Å"fair share† of fixed costs shows a net loss resulting from this additional business, but you can’t argue with the total dollars outcome. While the additional units don’t cover their â€Å"fair share† of costs, they contribute $75,000 toward these costs – costs that would not have been covered by the original 150,000 units. In this situation, the concepts of fairness and conventional practice could obscure a profitable opportunity. Based on the financial analysis alone, the company should definitely take the new business. What other considerations are relevant? Well †¦ is there a potential downside in terms of â€Å"indirect† cannibalization and price erosion? There’s always the Walmart effect to worry about †¦ that if you sell an â€Å"incremental volume† of goods at a discount through an alternative channel, buyers may switch channels – and 10,000 units sold at discount will cannibalize 10,000 units in sales at higher margins. Another concern is that prospective buyers will use the lower-priced â€Å"inferior† product as leverage in negotiating the price of the better product. Even slight price reductions in the 150,000 of regular sales would wipe out any profitability gains from additional sales of the inferior product. A simple case study †¦ and two short questions. But appearances can be deceiving. For grading purposes, I’m looking for a thoughtful analysis of the situation †¦ a recognition that there’s more here than crunching a few numbers. A â€Å"bad answer† would be one that rejects the possibility of pursuing this account without recognizing that it is a profitable venture from a strictly financial perspective.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Roberts v. Texaco †Management Research Paper

Roberts v. Texaco – Management Research Paper Free Online Research Papers Roberts v. Texaco Management Research Paper The case of Roberts v. Texaco covers many of the items we have gone over in class. It talks about the EEOC, mediation, racial discrimination, Tittle VII and settlements. A suit was filed on March 23, 1994 by Bari-Ellen Roberts and four other African-American Texaco employees on behalf of more than 1400 Texaco employees. Roberts worked for Texaco as their Senior Financial Analyst from 1990 to 1997. The basis of their suit was that Texaco had been practicing hiring and promotion practices based off race and not qualifications. At the time of the suit, there were 873 executive that were earning more than $106 thousand dollars a year and only six were African-American. Ms. Roberts was called uppity and a smart-mouth little colored girl. For three years the case worked its way throught the judicial system until it finally made a breakthrough. On November 3, 1996, the New York Times reported that they had evidence of several upper level employees at Texaco being recorded on audio tape using repeated racial slurs and using demeaning terms to describe African-Americans. They had also been told that this evidence was ordered to be destroyed by Texaco. Immediately the EEOC launched a probe to determine what pieces of evidence the company had that would corroborate the claim. While Texaco had settled in for the long haul in this legal battle, it came to a quick conclusion. After the tapes were uncovered, Texaco started looking to settle the case as quick as possible. The public relations issues that would arise the longer the case drew out could seriously hurt the company more than was already done. Within one month on November 17, 1996, the EEOC and the plaintiffs announced that an agreement had been made for a $176.1 million dollar class-action settlement. The suit was declared moot on January 27, 1997. The settlement included the following: Provide a payment to the plaintiff-class in the amount of $115 million, along with a one-time salary increase of about 11 percent for current employees of the plaintiff-class, effective January 1, 1997; Create an Equality and Tolerance Task Force which will be charged with determining potential improvements to Texaco’s human resources programs, as well as helping to monitor the progress being made in those programs (three members of the Task Force to be appointed by the plaintiffs, three members by Texaco and a mutually agreed-upon chairperson); Adopt and implement company-wide diversity and sensitivity, mentoring, and ombuds programs; Consider nationwide job posting of more senior positions than are currently posted; and Monitor its performance on the programs and initiatives provided for under the settlement agreement. A study that was conducted showed that the suit will end up costing Texaco about $500 million dollars. The statute that was relevant was Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The point of contention was discrimination because of race. This discrimination was shown in the form of hiring practices that didn’t accurately represent the community as well as promotions that were biased. The interesting thing about this case is that the EEOC didn’t get involved until there were allegations made by a major publisher and they knew what to look for; three ninety minute audio tapes. Once this came out, the EEOC filed their claim on behalf of the plaintiffs. These audio tapes were very explicit in the terms they used to describe the executives feelings toward minorities. Texaco hired a retired U.S. Attorney to investigate the tapes to find out how damaging they were before they agreed to a settlement. The attorneys investigation is extremely interesting to read as he tries to spin certain parts of the tapes as non damaging. At one point in the tapes, an executives ref ers to black jellybeans and how they always end up at the bottom of the bag. The attorney advises that this comment was not racially motivated but none of the conversation prior was about candy. No matter the spin, he couldn’t avoid the language used and discriminatory remarks. After seeing his report was when Texaco decided to settle, knowing that the evidence was much too damaging for their company to overcome in a lawsuit. The employment environment since this case has been drastically changed at Texaco. The task force that was put in place as part of the settlement had authority for five years to determine the policies that needed to be put in place to meet the objectives of the agreement. This task force met for two days a week and was composed of seven people; three appointed by Texaco, three appointed by the plaintiffs, and one independent who served as a chairperson. Even though the settlement was agreed to, this task force seemed to use mediation to arrive at policies both sides could live with. I think this made for a much less hostile environment when putting the policies in effect. The task force’s goals were set high. Within the first six months, Texaco was charged with implementing a diversity and training program for the entire company as well as a mentoring program. They also had to begin posting jobs at a certain paygrade or above nationally. An extremely important objective that they had to meet during this time was to develop a way for there to be no fear of retaliation for employees with complaints of discrimination. This is similar to the whistleblower statutes that we studied. A policy such as this would keep the employer from commiting unlawfull acts such as discrimination while keeping employees from feeling like they might lose their job if they took an injustice to the authorities. The fallout from the case included the firing of one executive, suspension of another, and two executives that had retirement benefits taken away. This case clearly shows the power and importance of Tittle VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It also demonstrates the effect of good mediation as well as what happens when the EEOC gets involved in a case. References Pruitt, Stephen W., The Texaco racial discrimination case and shareholder wealth. (2002) Retrieved from InfoTrac on August 7, 2005. Exhibit 1, Pragmmatic Relief. Retrieved from on August 7, 2005. Texaco fires executive, Disciplines three others. January 9, 1997, Los Angeles Times. Research Papers on Roberts v. Texaco - Management Research PaperAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into Asia19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraMind TravelHip-Hop is ArtCapital PunishmentEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductTwilight of the UAWDefinition of Export QuotasThe Project Managment Office System

Monday, October 21, 2019

Bottle Gourd Domestication and History

Bottle Gourd Domestication and History The bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) has had a complex domestication history written for it over the past twenty years. However, recent DNA research suggests that it was domesticated three times: in Asia, at least 10,000 years ago; in Central America, about 10,000 years ago; and in Africa, about 4,000 years ago. In addition, the bottle gourds dispersal throughout Polynesia is a key part of evidence supporting the possible Polynesian discovery of the New World, circa 1000 AD. The bottle gourd is a diploid, monoecious plant of the Cucurbitacea. The plant has thick vines with large white flowers that open only at night. The fruit comes in a large variety of shapes, selected for by their human users. The bottle gourd is primarily grown for its fruit, which when dried forms a woody hollow vessel that is suitable for containing water and food, for fishing floats, for musical instruments and for clothing, among other things. In fact, the fruit itself floats, and bottle gourds with still-viable seeds have been discovered after floating in seawater for more than seven months. Domestication History The bottle gourd is native to Africa: wild populations of the plant have recently been discovered in Zimbabwe. Two subspecies, likely representing two separate domestication events, have been identified: Lagenaria siceraria spp. siceraria (in Africa, domesticated some 4,000 years ago) and L. s. spp. asiatica (Asia, domesticated at least 10,000 years ago0. The likelihood of a third domestication event, in Central America about 10,000 years ago, has been implied from genetic analysis of American bottle gourds (Kistler et al.), Domesticated bottle gourds have been recovered in the Americas at sites such as Guila Naquitz in Mexico by ~10,000 years ago. Bottle Gourd Dispersals The earliest dispersal of the bottle gourd into the Americas was long believed by scholars to have occurred from the floating of domesticated fruits across the Atlantic. In 2005, researchers David Erickson and colleagues (among others) argued that bottle gourds, like dogs, had been brought into the Americas with the arrival of Paleoindian hunter-gatherers, at least 10,000 years ago. If true, then the Asian form of the bottle gourd was domesticated at least a couple of thousand years before that. Evidence of that has not been discovered, although domestic bottle gourds from several Jomon period sites on Japan have early dates. In 2014, researchers Kistler et al. disputed that theory, in part because it would have required the tropical and subtropical bottle gourd to have been planted at the crossing place into the Americas in the Bering Land Bridge region, an area far too cold to support that; and evidence for its presence in the likely entryway into the Americas has yet to be found. Instead, Kistlers team looked at DNA from samples in several locales in the Americas between 8,000 BC and 1925 AD (included Guila Naquitz and Quebrada Jaguay) and concluded that Africa is the clear source region of the bottle gourd in the Americas. Kistler et al. suggest that the African bottle gourds were domesticated in the American Neotropics, derived from seeds out of gourds which had drifted across the Atlantic. Later dispersals throughout eastern Polynesia, Hawaii, New Zealand and the western South American coastal region may have been driven by Polynesian seafaring. New Zealand bottle gourds exhibit features of both subspecies. The Kistler study identified the Polynesia bottle gourds as L. siceria ssp. asiatica, more closely related to Asian examples, but the puzzle was not addressed in that study. Important Bottle Gourd Sites AMS radiocarbon dates on bottle gourd rinds are reported after the site name unless otherwise noted. Note: dates in the literature are recorded as they appear, but are listed in roughly chronological order from oldest to youngest. Spirit Cave (Thailand), 10000-6000 BC (seeds)Azazu (Japan), 9000-8500 BC (seeds)Little Salt Spring (Florida, US), 8241-7832 cal BCGuila Naquitz (Mexico) 10,000-9000 BP 7043-6679 cal BCTorihama (Japan), 8000-6000 cal BP (a rind may be dated ~15,000 bp)Awatsu-kotei (Japan), associated date 9600 BPQuebrada Jaguay (Peru), 6594-6431 cal BCWindover Bog (Florida, US) 8100 BPCoxcatlan Cave (Mexico) 7200 BP (5248-5200 cal BC)Paloma (Peru) 6500 BPTorihama (Japan), associated date 6000 BPShimo-yakebe (Japan), 5300 cal BPSannai Maruyama (Japan), associated date 2500 BCTe Niu (Easter Island), pollen, AD 1450 Â   Sources Thanks to Hiroo Nasu of the Japanese Association of Historical Botany for the latest information about Jomon sites in Japan. This glossary entry is a part of the guide to Plant Domestication and the Dictionary of Archaeology. Clarke AC, Burtenshaw MK, McLenachan PA, Erickson DL, and Penny D. 2006. Reconstructing the Origins and Dispersal of the Polynesian Bottle Gourd (Lagenaria siceraria). Molecular Biology and Evolution 23(5):893-900. Duncan NA, Pearsall DM, and Benfer J, Robert A. 2009. Gourd and squash artifacts yield starch grains of feasting foods from preceramic Peru. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(32):13202-13206. Erickson DL, Smith BD, Clarke AC, Sandweiss DH, and Tuross N. 2005. An Asian origin for a 10,000-year-old domesticated plant in the Americas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102(51):18315–18320. Fuller DQ, Hosoya LA, Zheng Y, and Qin L. 2010. A Contribution to the Prehistory of Domesticated Bottle Gourds in Asia: Rind Measurements from Jomon Japan and Neolithic Zhejiang, China. Economic Botany 64(3):260-265. Horrocks M, Shane PA, Barber IG, D’Costa DM, and Nichol SL. 2004. Microbotanical remains reveal Polynesian agriculture and mixed cropping in early New Zealand. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 131:147-157. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2004.03.003 Horrocks M, and Wozniak JA. 2008. Plant microfossil analysis reveals disturbed forest and a mixed-crop, dryland production system at Te Niu, Easter Island. Journal of Archaeological Science 35(1):126-142.doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2007.02.014 Kistler L, Montenegro , Smith BD, Gifford JA, Green RE, Newsom LA, and Shapiro B. 2014. Transoceanic drift and the domestication of African bottle gourds in the Americas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(8):2937-2941. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1318678111 Kudo Y, and Sasaki Y. 2010. Characterization of Plant Remains on Jomon Potteries Excavated from the Shimo-yakebe Site, Tokyo, Japan. Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History 158:1-26. (in Japanese) Pearsall DM. 2008. Plant domestication. In: Pearsall DM, editor. Encyclopedia of Archaeology. London: Elsevier Inc. p 1822-1842. doi:10.1016/B978-012373962-9.00081-9 Schaffer AA, and Paris HS. 2003. Melons, squashes and gourds. In: Caballero B, editor. Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition. second ed. London: Elsevier. p 3817-3826. doi: 10.1016/B0-12-227055-X/00760-4 Smith BD. 2005. Reassessing Coxcatlan Cave and the early history of domesticated plants in Mesoamerica. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102(27):9438-9445. Zeder MA, Emshwiller E, Smith BD, and Bradley DG. 2006. Documenting domestication: the intersection of genetics and archaeology. Trends in Genetics 22(3):139-155. doi:10.1016/j.tig.2006.01.007

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Comparison Of A Certain Lady

A Comparison Of A Certain Lady The portrayal of women in literature has varied greatly as history has progressed. In the Jazz Age, women were seen as breaking free from being just a housewife and the shadow of a man. The flapper was a woman who closely resembles the women of today. She smoked, drank, wore revealing clothing for the time, and considered herself an equal to men. A woman who had a career that rivaled most men was Dorothy Parker. She was a founding member of the Vicious Circle meaning that some men even treated her as an equal during a time when women’s right were still new and the role of what was expected of a woman was changing. In the poems A Certain Lady, To a Lady, and The Lady’s Reward Parker explores the mind of a woman, and how said woman used what she had to get what she needed. The poem A Certain Lady depicts how a certain woman would act while a man told her of his exploits. The woman is expected to just listen and almost be happy that the man is having successful conquests. The woman is supposed to be passive and bat her eyes and be oblivious to the entire situation because historically women were thought of being not as intelligent as men. However in this poem it is obvious that the woman is extremely intelligent. The last two lines of the poems read, â€Å"And what goes on, my love, while you’re away, /You’ll never know.† It is obvious that the speaker knows how the man really is because it is implied that while he is away she has her own agenda. This also implies equality between them, at least in the speaker’s mind. The speaker believes that as the man is allowed to do as he pleases that she is equally as deserving to do the same. Despite this, the speaker seemed slightly upset at the man’s actions although she likely might be doing the same: And you laugh back, nor can you ever see The thousand little deaths my heart has diedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Nor do you see my staring eyes of nights, And when, in se arch of novelty, you stray. The speaker definitely seems hurt by what this man is telling her. It is as though every time the man tells her of his conquests, a little piece of her heart dies. It seems like it is slowly crushing her. The speaker goes on to say that the man does not see her â€Å"staring eyes.† Perhaps this means that the man does not see what he is doing to her or even that she stares into the night wondering what he could be doing at that moment. It seems that the woman lives by the saying â€Å"ignorance is bliss.† It seems that as long as he is not telling her of his exploits. She can go on with her life and do as she pleases. As long as she pretends she is not intelligent she can have pretend happiness or continue to try filling a void that is cannot be filled. A poem that continues with the concept of the woman being intentionally ignorant to what is going on is To a Lady. However in this poem, the ignorance is used with a different motive.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Euro-civlization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Euro-civlization - Essay Example Thus Pope Boniface VIII was tried posthumously for apostasy, murder and sodomy. The Templars were tried as Devil-Invoking heretics. Anyone who could actually read so-called witchcraft texts was often suspected of being in league with the Devil merely because they were literate. Thus the elite were in some way condemned by the spread of a popular culture of fear regarding witchcraft. The "Caroline Code", the basic law code of the Holy Roman Empire (1532) imposed heavy penalties for witchcraft. As society became more literate (due mostly to the invention of the Printing Press in the 1440s), increasing numbers of books and tracts fuelled the witch fears. More people were becoming literate, books were cheaper to print and thus became available in greater numbers and were within reach of more of the population. Witchcraft was thus more likely to occur within the logic of the Witch Craze mindset. A sense of community, both within the wide context of countries and within local areas, was starting to break down because of the growth in a peculiar kind of paranoia. In 1630 the nuns of Loudun provided an interesting view of the Witch Craze and the extremes to which it could go. The nuns conspired to accuse Father Urbain Grandier of witchcraft by faking symptoms of possession and torment. They feigned convulsions, rolled and gibbered on the ground, and accused Grandier of indecencies. Grandier was convicted and burned at the stake. But after his death, and thus after the plot had succeeded, the symptoms of the nuns only grew worse, and they became more and more sexual in nature. This shows the degree of mania and insanity present in such witch trials. Community had often broken down into a series of groups that were always suspicious of others and afraid of being accused themselves. The breakdown of community reflected the wide rift that occurred during the period between Catholics and Protestants. Catholics often accused Protestants of witchcraft, such as when the Jesuits pursued them in Austria for a hundred years after 1560. Protestants in turn did the same, such as occurred during Henry VIII's reign in England in the 1500's. Thus "witch" was used convenient label that could be used as a tool against one's enemies, political, cultural or personal. 2) Language itself-as I have so often mentioned- is a primary source of information about its author's attitudes towards phenomenon described. Do a literary deconstruction of Las Casas' language by making two lists of metaphors- one for Spaniards, the other for Indians- as these appear in his text. It is the tension between theses two sets of images which creates the dynamism in this text. Pay special attention to gender as you do this. Who is masculine, who is feminine and what are the implications thereof Consider the following section from Los Casas' description of the Spanish treatment of the Indians in Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies (1542): Yet into this sheepfold, into this land of meek outcasts there came some Spaniards who immediately behaved like ravening wild beasts, wolves, tigers, or lions that had been starved for many days. And Spaniards have behaved in no other way during tla! past forty years, down to the present time, for they are still acting like ravening beasts, killing, terrorizing, afflicting, torturing, and destroying the native peoples, doing all this with the strangest and most varied

Descartes and God Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Descartes and God - Essay Example Relying on the principle of clarity and distinctness, he argued that there were two things he could be sure about: the existence of himself and God. Being a devout Catholic, he wanted to make a contribution to understanding of Christianity. So in the opening statement to Meditations, Descartes claimed that there were two driving issues behind this work: proving the existence of God and the immortality of the soul through natural reason (Burnham and Fieser 2006). In fact, the necessary existence of God was the absolute truth for Descartes, perceived by him at the intuition level. Yet, he realized that it was necessary to provide clear logical arguments of this existence. Descartes provided three principal arguments of the existence of God: the causal, cosmological and ontological ones. The causal argument is most fully represented in Meditation III, it can also be found in the Discourse (Part I) and in the Principles (Part I  §Ã‚ § 17-18). Descartes distinguishes between the formal reality of an idea (its actual existence and degree of perfection as a mode of mind) and its objective reality (the degree of perfection it has with consideration of its content). Further the philosopher recognizes three degrees of perfection based on the capacity of a thing for an independent existence. God, being an infinite substance depending on nothing, is viewed as the highest degree of perfection. An individual body or mind (finite substances depending on God alone) is given the next degree. A property of a substance, that is a mode depending on the substance for existence, is considered as being of the lowest degree. Descartes states that â€Å"it is manifest by the natural light that there must be at least as much reality in the efficient and total cause as in the effect of that cause†. Thus there should be as much formal reality in the cause of an idea as there is objective reality in the

Major paper 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Major paper 1 - Essay Example I hope to gain more from the university and the American society in general. The essay examines my learning experience, not just in education, but also in other areas of culture. The paper, therefore, attempts to provide a comprehensive narrative of my experience as a Chinese student in America, forming a potential foundation for others in my position to adjust and gain maximum benefits from the American society. Before coming to America, I always had a dream to study abroad in the hope of pursuing high quality education. In addition, I hoped to experience other people’s cultures, while getting a global point of view of issues surrounding the modern society. My parents and peers encouraged the move, terming it as a path towards self-discovery and exploration of my career options. Given all these factors, my move to America was filled with high expectations, hopes to make friends immediately, and enjoying all the things that the new culture had to offer. Even though I was slightly nervous during my flight from Beijing, my excitement was more than any concerns. For this reason, I did not take possible challenges into consideration and as a result, I was not fully prepared for the American life. On arrival from China, I was welcomed quickly but warmly at the airport. It is here that I began observing the differences between China and America. For example, while back at home people take their time to show you around or at least give you directions to wherever you want to go, majority of Americans do not have the patience for that. I also came to realize that many people in America are highly suspicious of strangers and therefore, interact cautiously with them. I also noted that unlike in China, where taxi drivers keep to themselves, in America they tend to ask many questions. It was rather difficult to keep up with the basic conversation after arrival, since I only understood a few English words. In consideration of these observations, it would perhaps be

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Explore the way in which one or more emotional state is elicited and Essay

Explore the way in which one or more emotional state is elicited and shaped by a particular film, focussing on the consequences of formal and stylistic choices for our emotional experience of the film - Essay Example These include hypnosis, repeated phrases, music and facial muscle movement. Of all the methods used in elicitation of emotions, films are the only easily standardized method and entail little deception that is mostly seen in other methods. Films also present a higher degree of ecological acceptability in that they combine both the visual and auditory stimuli. As a consequence of the combination, films easily elicit a variety of emotions. The ability of a film to evoke an emotion is then compared to other films (Plantinga, 2009, p.71). Films can also elicit various cognition patterns to the audience. General cognition such as memory, assimilation and meta-cognition are enhanced by the film. Most cognitive effects of films relates to the information presentation and the atmosphere induced by the film. It is a normal phenomenon for instance, violence film to elicit violence. The elaboration of this effect is related to the significant cognitive effects of the film. The film Crash elicits a variety of emotional state in the audience. The emotional states elicited majorly relates with the theme of the film and the characters’ interaction in the film (Coan & Allen, 2007, p. 52). Crash is a recent film produced in 2004. Paul Haggis is the producer, co-writer and also contributed to its direction. The film addresses two major concerns including racial tension and the social tension in Los Angeles, California. Crash was inspired by a real life experience where Haggis Porsche was suffered a carjacking in 1991 at Wilshire Boulevard (Villalba & Redmond 2008, p. 72) The characters for the story include a white attorney and the wife, a black detective who had a younger brother and a gang associates. There is a white racist police officer who annoys his more critical partner. It entails a Persian immigrant and an industrious Hispanic locksmith who is a family man. The films stand outs distinctively from other films in that is relatively

Alignment of Business Strategy and IT Strategy Essay

Alignment of Business Strategy and IT Strategy - Essay Example Fortune 50 financial services companies consented to be the respondents of this study. The research methodology used in this study was qualitative. The Alignment of Business and IT strategy department participated in the interviews to be a representative of the Business IT and balance opinions. The respondents were 17 senior managers, 5 with knowledge in balanced, 3 with knowledge with IT and 2 with a business perspective. The interviews will be 90 minutes. All of these respondents agreed that there is an alignment gap between business strategy and IT strategy. The advantage of the method used by the study is that qualitative research is the attempt to gain an in-depth understanding of the meanings of the situation presented by informants, rather than the manufacturing of a quantitative measurement of their characteristics or behavior by the researcher. This concern to reveal the subjective points of view of those being studied is common to ethnography, participant observation, and t he various other strands of qualitative research. For many qualitative researchers, the subjective beliefs of the people being studied are more important than the theoretical knowledge of the researcher. The methodology is often to ‘see through’ the eyes of those being studied. There are two considerations. First, no attempt is made to place the beliefs and behavior of the people being studied into a historical or structural context; it is considered sufficient to simply describe different forms of consciousness without trying to explain how and why they developed. The second one is the tendency to adopt an uncritical attitude to the beliefs and consciousness of informants, without considering their adequacy.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Analyzing Multiple Perspectives of ethical Dilemmas Essay

Analyzing Multiple Perspectives of ethical Dilemmas - Essay Example Here comes the question of ethics. Although, all branches in science have equal standing in terms of importance of ethics in their study and exploration, biology has been more prominent in this regard since it deals with the study of life itself; thus, engulfing the existence of plants, animals and most importantly, man himself. Therefore, bioethics, as it is widely known can be precisely come under definition as the discourse of the controversies with regard to the ethical dilemmas, which arise in the scientific study of life and living beings. The ethical dilemmas in the field of biological research and development are quite numerous. Like in other discourses, these dilemmas open themselves to multiple perspectives and schools of thought and therefore are an enriched field to study. Here, the paper will include a few such dilemmas that have been a pressing concern for bioethicists these days and will include study of various perspectives on them. A very popular and most discussed d ilemma in biology is that of cloning. Many scientists and scholar see cloning as a way to extend life in cases where survival is endangered (Brannigan, 11).

Alignment of Business Strategy and IT Strategy Essay

Alignment of Business Strategy and IT Strategy - Essay Example Fortune 50 financial services companies consented to be the respondents of this study. The research methodology used in this study was qualitative. The Alignment of Business and IT strategy department participated in the interviews to be a representative of the Business IT and balance opinions. The respondents were 17 senior managers, 5 with knowledge in balanced, 3 with knowledge with IT and 2 with a business perspective. The interviews will be 90 minutes. All of these respondents agreed that there is an alignment gap between business strategy and IT strategy. The advantage of the method used by the study is that qualitative research is the attempt to gain an in-depth understanding of the meanings of the situation presented by informants, rather than the manufacturing of a quantitative measurement of their characteristics or behavior by the researcher. This concern to reveal the subjective points of view of those being studied is common to ethnography, participant observation, and t he various other strands of qualitative research. For many qualitative researchers, the subjective beliefs of the people being studied are more important than the theoretical knowledge of the researcher. The methodology is often to ‘see through’ the eyes of those being studied. There are two considerations. First, no attempt is made to place the beliefs and behavior of the people being studied into a historical or structural context; it is considered sufficient to simply describe different forms of consciousness without trying to explain how and why they developed. The second one is the tendency to adopt an uncritical attitude to the beliefs and consciousness of informants, without considering their adequacy.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Anatomy of Human Essay Example for Free

Anatomy of Human Essay 1. Review the anatomy of the brain. Which portion is responsible for keeping you awake, controlling thought, speech, emotions and behavior, maintaining balance and posture? 2. Know the function of the arachnoid villi. 3. Where is the primary defect in Parkinsons disease and Huntingtons? 4. What is the function of the CSF? Where is it produced? Where is it absorbed? 5. Review blood flow to the brain. 6. What is the gate control theory of pain? 7. Know the type of nerve fibers that transmit pain impulses. 8. Where in the CNS does pain perception occur? 9. Know different clinical descriptions of pain; pain threshold/tolerance 10. Know endogenous opioids. 11. What are the two types of fibers that transmit the nerve action potentials generated by excitation of any of the nociceptors. 12. What is the relationship between epinephrine and body temperature? 13. Know mechanisms of heat production and heat loss. 14. Know heat exhaustion and heat stroke? 15. Define the different stages of sleep. 16. Discuss disorders of the conjunctivia of the eye. 17. Which part of the eye controls movement of the eye? 18. What part of the brain must be functioning for cognitive operations? 19. Discuss the types of mid-brain dysfunction and its physical symptoms. 20. Know the best prognostic indicator of recovery of consciousness and functional outcome after a brain event. 21. Know vomiting with which CNS injuries. 22. Define seizure and status epilepticus. What is the medical significance? Know benign febrile seizures. 23. Know the characteristics of closed head injury. 24. Define dyskinesia. Types? Characteristics? 25. Know the stages of intracranial hypertension. 26. Know normal intracranial pressure. How does body compensate for increased  ICP? 27. Know the most critical index of nervous system dysfunction/function. 28. What is responsible for the tremors associated with Parkinsons Disease? 29. Define concussion. Know the different grades of concussion. 30. Know coupe and countercoup brain injuries and how they happen. 31. Know most common primary CNS tumor. 32. What happens to a patient after an acute spinal cord injury? Why is it life threatening? Describe the clinical manifestations. Why would their temperature fluctuate? 33. Know diagnostic criteria for vegetative state and brain death. 34. Define and discuss the different types of stroke, which affected artery causes what data processing deficits (agnosia, dysphasia, etc). 35. Know all types of cerebral edema and what causes each type. 36. Know characteristics of AV malformation. 37. Define and describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of Multiple Sclerosis. 38. Define and describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of Guillian Barre Syndrome. 39. Define and describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of Mysthenia Gravis 40. Define and describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of Parkinsons disease. 41. Define and describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of Huntington disease. 42. Prenatal and perinatal factors may result in what psychiatric condition? 43. What is schizophrenia? What part of the brain is associated with the S/S of this disorder? 44. Define depression and its types; know etiology. 45. How Does ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) treat depression? 46. Define generalized anxiety disorder. What is the underlying defect? Know characteristics. 47. Define panic disorder. What are the complications? 48. Define encephalocele, meningocele, spina bifida, myelomeningocele. Where is the defect located in each? 49. Know when the neural groove closes during embryonic development. 50. Know pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of cerebral palsy. 51. Know pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of PKU. 52. What nerves are capable of  regeneration?

Monday, October 14, 2019

Problem For Swinton Hotel Management

Problem For Swinton Hotel Management The aim of this project is to build a comprehensive tool E-reservation system for Swinton Hotel Management. Swinton Hotel provides all facilities like, advance booking room facilities, Better Food quality and also management believes to present good customer services. Management does not have proper reservation system and lack of data management system. In addition, they dont have any advance E- reservation system for tourist. The organisation needs to take further step to implement its business by develop a website. The projected system will be more flexible to use for tourist and Faster for staff to manage all information. Currently, the existing system is based on paper work, manual checking and use of Microsoft Excel Data sheet. Apart from this, advance reservation does by telephone. Due to which the staff faces lots of problems and also very time consuming for tourist to reserve room in advance. A new web based application is developed to provide reservation solution to the management. The application comes out in form of an Information Management Tools, like, ASP.NET. And database will handle through Microsoft Access. So, with build up a new system will helpful for tourist to reserve room and itll beneficial for staff to manage data. After all, new web based system will be benefited to management. TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 02 1. Introduction 04 2. Problem Identification 05 2.1 Current System Specification 05 2.2 Consequence for Issues 07 3. Proposed System 08 3.1 System Architecture Specification 10 3.2 Technology Used 11 3.3 System Requirement Specification 12 3.4 Cost of System 13 3.5 Impact of the Proposed Changes 14 4. Change Management 15 5. Conclusion and Future enhancements 15 6. References 16 7.0 Diagram 17 1. Introduction: Now in present time, web-platform becomes necessary for all sector of business to get more success. Especially, in Banking, Hotel, and many other educational and training organization it becomes basic needs for business to have web-platform. In hotel Industry through website tourist can reserve room in advance. And also able to get other information of the hotel which will be useful for them. Static or dynamic website is useful for the organizations growth. The projected Hotel Reservation System brings the main requirements of the Swinton Hotel Management. In addition, reservation system classifies a way to manage the database of the tourist (Customers). And reduce paper and manual work system. Moreover, business point of view, it is time and cost effectiveness which is vital assets for the organization. In addition, Swinton Hotel Management has very simple and complicate reservation system. The organization has faced many issues with current System. Firstly, the current system is running on Microsoft Excel datasheet. Secondly, management requires allocate one staff for manual room check. Last but not least, it is very difficult to manage vacation time for staff schedule. And lastly, its very complicate process for tourist to reserve room in advance. So, management has been facing these major issues with reservation system. Furthermore, the purpose of develop website for Swinton hotel to improve in customer service. Customer can easily communicate with Hotel Staff and can browse all latest information about Hotel for advance room reservation. Apart from this, it will be extremely useful for staff to manage customer database. For instance, no time consuming process for room checking availability. , easy to access customer details. And also itll very simple to handle invoice of customer. Invoice handling is more important for management to know about real profit of business. In addition, account department also able to get profit and loss account. 2.0 Problem Identification In Hotel Industry a reservation system must be very accurate and very user friendly. So, customer or tourist can access all information which they want to browse. In this are of business, website should be in proper way which can helpful for customers and also for Hotel department. However, Swinton Hotel Management has very simple stage of reservation system for advance room booking or get any information about hotel. Inaddtion, A management is facing many issues with this present system. Here, we are going to present what are the major issues in present system? 2.1 Current System Specification First of all, we collect all information about Current system through interview with manager and staff members. Manual Data Sheet Screenshot of Excel Database A management of Swinton Hotel is using simple this format database for customer. First of all, its very difficult to unique identification of customer. Means that, not allocate any facility which can identify user unique information. For instance, if same name customers come then its very difficult to identify. Secondly, Staff does manual entry for tourist which is very difficult to manage during the peak time or vacation time periods. Last but not least, its very complicate for other staff members to understand this system. Only one staff member is able to handle this complicated system .So, for future point of view itll be difficult for management. Telephone Reservation Change Telephone Reservation system in this Hotel done by Telephone which is one of the major issues with management. Customer can get room information through telephonic it is time consuming. First of all, a manual room checker will check room whether room available or not? And passed information to the call receiver. Furthermore, other disadvantage of telephonic reservation thats, cost of call. Because, sometime its very expensive to make call. So, in this situation its very expensive to reserve a room via telephone through current reservation system. Manual Room Checking In present system, to access room information need to allocate one staff for checking all information about available room in hotel for traveller. This is very cost and time consuming process for staff and customer. Especially, during the peak time its very difficult to access all information about available room for customer. In addition, for management point of view its very expensive to allocate special one person for check. They can not allocate for other work. So, this is one of the issues in this current system. Lack Of Customer Communication Current System of Swinton hotel, Staff not able to communicate with customer. Customer needs to introduce self every time for access any information about hotel. The Current system is done by manual entry. So, staffs needs to follow that process and they are not able to answering in proper and right way. And only one staff allocate for excel data sheet, for telephonic reservation and also for receiving call. So, its really difficult to handle all tasks at a same time. And which can create negative impact on customer mind for Hotel. No Registration system for Customer In this Current System, traveller needs to show own identification every time. Its complicated and time consuming. Apart from this, customer has to pass reservation process. And every time need to feel a form and give it back to staff. So, during the vacation time period its difficult. And it influences on customer service. No Customer Database In this present System, a management has faced problem with customer database. Because, currently all customer data saved in Excel data entry sheet. Its very time difficult to handle all data. So, management keep only one week datasheet. So, no any security for hotel point of view. 2.2 Consequences for Issues Management of Swinton Hotel has faced all these major issue with current system. There are many consequences for raising these problems for management. Firstly, lack of management. as we seen that management has faced many issues with current system. But, management doesnt think about to build up a new system for Hotel. Secondly, untrained staff. This is one of the big consequences for all. Only one staff handles too many tasks which is very difficult. And not allocate other staff for this role. This shows untrained staff. Finally, structure of management is not in proper and right ways is also one the main cause for failure in business. 3.0 Proposed System Nowadays, tourist business has gained extremely top level. In addition, in this area of business, in this present time web-platform modifies a structure of business for ever. For instance, Travelodge. Even more, with help of IT tools really change the way of the business of hotel. Hotel reservation has started through web-platform. In this present time, most hotels worldwide use online Hotel Reservation .its very convenient for traveller to book hotel room. Here, we are going to develop a new web system for Swinton Hotel Management. 3.1 System Architecture Specification The projected system is basically based on web-platform. And the main architecture of the web-platform three tiers. Client Application Server Database Server The main aim of using three tier architecture for the system to improve execute faster and also can easily fetched data from database which is one of major advantage for use of three tier architecture. In addition, new system can manage large database as well. This will solve a Customer Database problem for current system. Faster responses make the user more user- friendly and comfortable to work with the system In addition, vital advantage for use of 3 tier architecture is more secure for personal data. CLIENT APPLICATION SERVER DATABASE SERVER Request Reply Command Result Fig 1. Three Tier Architecture 3.2 Technology Used Operating System> Windows XP Front End > ASP.NET(c#) Data Base> Microsoft Access Design Platform> HTML, PhotoShop Front-End Platform ASP.NET ASP.NET is the next version of ASP framework to build up a web-application. The .net framework consists of many class libraries, functions, and common execution platform. We can create ASP.NET applications using any of the built-in any languages. Web-application is easier and faster compared to other technologies. With use of ASP.NET clients gets the faster response which is one of the major advantages to use this platform for build an application. In addition, ASP.NET is totally server side technology. ASP.NET advantages reduce the amount of code for build an application. It is very easy to maintain with server side programme model. This platform pages are very simple to write and maintain. Very easy to design any page for application. ASP.NET makes for easy deployment. There is no need to register components. ASP.NET applications run faster in large volumes of data without any problem. ASP.NET validation controls entered by user without any coding. .So, for security point of view its more secure compare to other technology. (Source: Data base Connectivity: ASP.NET can configured with any Database. In the projected system, Microsoft Access database has been used. There are many benefits for using this platform as a back- end. ASP.NET platform has wide range of data access options. These include support for the generic class library data access classes. ODBC, OleDb, dbExpress driver. ADO.NET is the portion of the ASP.NET foundation class library that applies to data access, storage and manipulation. (Source: 3.3 System Requirement Specifications: R1: Login Form Input: Travellers Username and password Output: Travellers Details Description: Once Traveller registered in website. Then they are able to access all information about SWINTON Hotel. And they can reserve room, Extra facilities, details information about rent etc through access reservation form. R2: Registration Form Input: Travellers Details Output: Allocate Username and Password Description: Traveller needs to fill out the form for access any information and reserve any room. Through this form unique username and password will allocate to tourist. So, next time traveller need to enter username and password in login form. And they can access any information. In addition, through this form a management can manage their customers records. R3: Staff Login: Input: Staff Username and Password Output: Administrators Homepage Description: The main purpose of this form to develop an interface for any staff to look at the Travellers Details. With Staff username and Password can access their respective homepage where they can browse the travellers details. R4: Reservation Form: Input: Select Room number and Type Output: Current Status, Rent, Facilities Description: when traveller enters successfully through login form then they can reserve any room, can access rate information, facilities details etc. R5 Invoice Form (only for Staff access) Input: Room No. Output: Invoice Description: This form presents all information about user. Which facilities they have used, time periods, Room Type etc. and shows total invoice amount for user. 3.4 Cost of System How much does a website cost? Basically, there are main two separate cost elements. First is cost that covered the registration of domain name and Internet space for hosting the site. In addition, second element is creation of website. There may also be some on going maintenance costs depending on how often you require changes to be made to the site when it is complete. First of all, management of the SWINTON hotel will not pay any amount for system up to three year. Because, the organization has done big deal with some outsourcing small IT company. So, for domain name, space and any other specification IT company will responsible. However, if the management of SWINTON HOTEL needs to pay some amount after three year. This will cost only  £30 every year. In addition, management of hotel is not giving any cost for developing a new system to solve problem of the old system. Furthermore, management has benefits at initial stage in this web platform. If in future any problem will create regarding system then IT company will responsible up to three year. So, for management point of view it is major advantage. [] [] 3.5 Impact of the Proposed Changes The purpose of the new system is to provide better services to traveller, so they can able to access important details and also reserve Hotel room through website. In addition, developers of this system try to build a user friendly web platform. And the new system will be easier for staff to maintain traveller data. Furthermore, a tourist can browse information from any where and any time. The major advantage of this system is the able to keeps all information about traveller, staff information, and maintenance of database periodically. Client Functionalities Traveller can get all information about SWINTON Hotel. Once traveller is registered in website then to have own username and password. Traveller able to access important details any time. And also check its status. Traveller also able to access other facilities which provided by hotel. Admin Functionalities The main aim for develop this system is to provide better service to travelers of the hotel. In addition, for management point of view, to provide easy system to maintain tourist database. As the main goal of this system is to reduce manual, paper work and time of the administrative department. So, it will bring more efficiency in work and customer service. Furthermore, through help of this system staff can able to access all information about travelers. 4.0 Change Management According to press release Dec. 03 2009, A hotel website will help to management boost in worldwide. A hotel website will only give lots of advantages towards promoting hotel more in this competition era. The management of SWINTON hotel will need to invest on web based platform for success in Hotel industry. In addition, management of the hotel also needs to focus on database maintenance for tourist. The database of the system will increase more. Because as the new travelers come for reservation room and other facilities. So, for management point of view it is very vital part in system. Furthermore, if new system will success in future then a management needs to think about further implementation of the system. Finally, the proposed system Hotel Reservation system is developed on proper way. Especially for user it is very easy to access this website. However, I can recommend that for future point of view need to require some more implementation of the system. 5 Conclusion and future enhancements: In this present era web platform is necessary for success in business. Especially, for hotel industry. So, new system will helpful for SWINTON HOTEL management. Through proposed system time can be saved, more accuracy, security and reduce manual work which is one of the major advantages of this system. Last but not least, the management is not paying any amount for develop a new system. For clients point of view, it is more flexible to access information about hotel. And for staffs point of view, it is very easy to maintain database for travellers. Future Enhancements: Invoice report Auto e-malling system Track Travellers data

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Though magazines and newspapers belong to the same category (printed

Though magazines and newspapers belong to the same category (printed media), they can still fulfill totally different goals when it comes to advertising. The most Analysis of newspapers & magazines Introduction The intention of this assignment is to state the advantages and disadvantages of magazines and newspapers (printed media). As the advantages and disadvantages of both differ, we decided to separate the different media in order to get a clear overview of both types regarding marketing communications. Printed media is a good medium for using cross-media communication, but it is also a good way of getting local recognition. Newspapers Newspapers permit an advertiser to reach a large number of people in a city, town, and region or within a specified geographic area. Newspapers are one of the major advertising media for the smaller retailers and some larger corporations. Newspapers are normally created and bought daily. A few examples of newspapers are: - The Irish times - The Irish independent - The Letterkenny post The newspapers stated above all have a different geographic distribution and this also affects the ads that are in these newspapers. Social groups, demographic characteristics and other identifiable segmentations are also usually linked to certain newspapers, which make it more appealing to advertise a product or service that corresponds mostly with the newspaperÂ’s Ââ€Å"personality†. Advantages of newspapers - High...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Give Students a Break :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

Give Students a Break Students at Tech, and indeed at most colleges, eagerly anticipate holidays because they provide a welcome break from classes. Although some may say that breaks only take away valuable class time from students, they fail to see the educational benefits that breaks afford. Tech's sparse holiday offerings take little advantage of these benefits. Tech is harming students, who could greatly benefit from the time breaks offer for relaxation, family interaction, and studying. Despite criticism, breaks do not necessarily have to adversely affect students' education by taking away important class time. There are many ways Tech could integrate breaks into its semester schedules without loosing any class time at all. For instance, classes could begin a few days early or end a few days late, allowing breaks to be added into the semesters. Alternatively, Tech could shorten its overly-long twenty-eight day Christmas break and use those days for breaks during the semesters. Careful planning of the breaks already offered would even help. During the fall semester, Tech currently offers one of its five breaks less than a week after classes begin and three more of its breaks less than three weeks before Christmas break begins. This poor scheduling leaves large gaps during the semester with no breaks at all. Why, though, are breaks important from an educational standpoint? One reason is that they lightens students' stress loads. College is stressful enough with breaks; without them, students have no way to recuperate from the stress of classes. During Montana Tech's fall semester, there are over two months of straight classes that contain no breaks at all. During the spring semester, there are two more large gaps between breaks, one of which is also over two months long. Although weekends do help, these are often used for studying and homework and do little to ease the students' stress. Many students begin to dislike their classes because of the stress they cause, and as a result, some put less effort into their studying. Breaks allow students some time off from their classes to relax so that they can come back refreshed. Another reason breaks are important is that they give students time to spend with their families. It is very important to develop social skills during college and, it is also important to become more independent. Both of these will aid the student when starting a new life after graduation. But family relationships are still very important for students.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Explain the significance of Marco Essay

In the play, Marco is very important. After all, he was the one person who killed Eddie Carbone which is the main event in the play. When Marco comes into the play for the first time, he is proven to be the most mature brother who has a quality life worth living. â€Å"What can I do? The older one is sick in chest. My wife – she feeds them from her own mouth. I tell you the truth; if I stay there they will never grow up. They eat the sunshine.† Having children, Marco might feel they are a motivation to earn money to keep them alive as well as himself. The reason Marco came to Brooklyn, America to help and pay for food for his family as he would send money back to his wife in Italy to care for them. â€Å"My wife – I want to send right away maybe twenty dollars †¦ because I could send them a little more if I stay.† Marco knows he has an obligation to Eddie and is trying to be good so he can stay in America in the house to earn money for his family. So to make sure he can stay, he is trying not to let Rodolph ruin his chances either by doing ridiculous tasks like singing which Marco thinks is inappropriate at the time so tells him, â€Å"No – no! †¦ You’ll be quiet †¦ You’ll be quiet. He also thinks Rodolph should tame himself down. ‘’They paid for your courage. The English like courage. But once is enough.’’ He is loyal and strong. He thinks before he acts which gives the impression that he is focused. He only punished Eddie by killing him as he felt threatened which is not a selfish action. He is the antagonist in the play and the Sicilian avenging angel that Alfieri hints at his comment to the audience. â€Å"A man works, raises his family, goes bowling, eats, gets old and then dies. Now, as the weeks passed there was a future, there was a trouble that would not go away.† Marco is also very important to the play as he is very respectful towards Eddie to begin with. Marco is willing to do any work to support his family as he is very proud of his wife and he is grateful to Eddie for his help and for giving him the opportunity to live in his home and work down the docks. Marco is realistic and tries to control Rodolpho’s exaggerations to keep them out of trouble. Even though during the play, Marco is furious and vengeful to some of the things Eddie does like snitching on them to the immigration officers; He is responsible, respectful, strong but silent towards his family, Eddie, Beatrice and even Catherine. Marco tries to bridge the increasing gap between Rodolpho and Eddie however as soon as Marco feels offended by Eddie he feels he needs to prove his strength and authority to him by lifting a chair up by one leg by one arm which is he successful in whereas Eddie cannot lift the chair. Marco if a family man because even though Marco cannot understand American justice when Alfieri tried to explain it and promised Eddie he will not betray or harm him if he promised the same, he did not apologise to Eddie as his honour means everything to him. As Marco will probably get deported back to Italy for immigration and killing Eddie, he is happy that Rodolpho has a chance of a green card a family with Catherine.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Porter Diamond Essay

Michael Porter put forth a theory in 1990 to explain why some countries are leaders in the production of certain products. His work incorporates certain elements of previous international trade theories but also makes some important new discoveries. He identifies four elements present to varying degrees in every nation that form the basis of national competitiveness. Analyze the current situation of Japan using the four elements of Porter’s national competitive advantage theory. Suggested Answers: 1. Factor conditions Japan possesses relatively weak basic factors but good advanced factors, e.g. availability of high quality scientist and engineers; and advanced rail road and telecommunication infrastructure. 2. Demand conditions High degree of buyer sophistication Strong preference for new product and high demand for quality products and services 3. Related and supporting industries Clusters in manufacturing sector are sustained by abundant and high quality supporting industries. For example, the automobile parts cluster in Ota City and the industrial supply base for construction machinery in Komatsu City. 4. Firm strategy and rivalry Good cooperation in labor-employer relations. Japan has traditionally lifetime employment, which helps to build good relationship between  management and employees High intensity of local competition. There are large number of companies in both manufacturing and service sectors, e.g. car manufacturers and IT software companies CGE25101 Globalization and Business Tutorial 12 Discussion Question: The Porter’s Diamond Michael Porter put forth a theory in 1990 to explain why some countries are leaders in the production of certain products. His work incorporates certain elements of previous international trade theories but also makes some important new discoveries. He identifies four elements present to varying degrees in every nation that form the basis of national competitiveness. Analyze the current situation of Japan using the four elements of Porter’s national competitive advantage theory. Suggested Answers: 5. Factor conditions Japan possesses relatively weak basic factors but good advanced factors, e.g. availability of high quality scientist and engineers; and advanced rail road and telecommunication infrastructure. 6. Demand conditions High degree of buyer sophistication Strong preference for new product and high demand for quality products and services 7. Related and supporting industries Clusters in manufacturing sector are sustained by abundant and high quality  supporting industries. For example, the automobile parts cluster in Ota City and the industrial supply base for construction machinery in Komatsu City. 8. Firm strategy and rivalry Good cooperation in labor-employer relations. Japan has traditionally lifetime employment, which helps to build good relationship between management and employees High intensity of local competition. There are large number of companies in both manufacturing and service sectors, e.g. car manufacturers and IT software companies CGE25101 Globalization and Business Tutorial 12 Discussion Question: The Porter’s Diamond Michael Porter put forth a theory in 1990 to explain why some countries are leaders in the production of certain products. His work incorporates certain elements of previous international trade theories but also makes some important new discoveries. He identifies four elements present to varying degrees in every nation that form the basis of national competitiveness. Analyze the current situation of Japan using the four elements of Porter’s national competitive advantage theory. Suggested Answers: 9. Factor conditions Japan possesses relatively weak basic factors but good advanced factors, e.g. availability of high quality scientist and engineers; and advanced rail road and telecommunication infrastructure. 10. Demand conditions High degree of buyer sophistication Strong preference for new product and high demand for quality products and services 11. Related and supporting industries Clusters in manufacturing sector are sustained by abundant and high quality supporting industries. For example, the automobile parts cluster in Ota City and the industrial supply base for construction machinery in Komatsu City. 12. Firm strategy and rivalry Good cooperation in labor-employer relations. Japan has traditionally lifetime employment, which helps to build good relationship between management and employees High intensity of local competition. There are large number of companies in both manufacturing and service sectors, e.g. car manufacturers and IT software companies CGE25101 Globalization and Business Tutorial 12 Discussion Question: The Porter’s Diamond Michael Porter put forth a theory in 1990 to explain why some countries are leaders in the production of certain products. His work incorporates certain elements of previous international trade theories but also makes some important new discoveries. He identifies four elements present to varying degrees in every nation that form the basis of national competitiveness. Analyze the current situation of Japan using the four elements of Porter’s national competitive advantage theory. Suggested Answers: 13. Factor conditions Japan possesses relatively weak basic factors but good advanced factors, e.g. availability of high quality scientist and engineers; and advanced rail road and telecommunication infrastructure. 14. Demand conditions High degree of buyer sophistication Strong preference for new product and high demand for quality products and services 15. Related and supporting industries Clusters in manufacturing sector are sustained by abundant and high quality supporting industries. For example, the automobile parts cluster in Ota City and the industrial supply base for construction machinery in Komatsu City. 16. Firm strategy and rivalry Good cooperation in labor-employer relations. Japan has traditionally lifetime employment, which helps to build good relationship between management and employees High intensity of local competition. There are large number of companies in both manufacturing and service sectors, e.g. car manufacturers and IT software companies CGE25101 Globalization and Business Tutorial 12 Discussion Question: The Porter’s Diamond Michael Porter put forth a theory in 1990 to explain why some countries are  leaders in the production of certain products. His work incorporates certain elements of previous international trade theories but also makes some important new discoveries. He identifies four elements present to varying degrees in every nation that form the basis of national competitiveness. Analyze the current situation of Japan using the four elements of Porter’s national competitive advantage theory. Suggested Answers: 17. Factor conditions Japan possesses relatively weak basic factors but good advanced factors, e.g. availability of high quality scientist and engineers; and advanced rail road and telecommunication infrastructure. 18. Demand conditions High degree of buyer sophistication Strong preference for new product and high demand for quality products and services 19. Related and supporting industries Clusters in manufacturing sector are sustained by abundant and high quality supporting industries. For example, the automobile parts cluster in Ota City and the industrial supply base for construction machinery in Komatsu City. 20. Firm strategy and rivalry Good cooperation in labor-employer relations. Japan has traditionally lifetime employment, which helps to build good relationship between management and employees High intensity of local competition. There are large number of companies in both manufacturing and service sectors, e.g. car manufacturers and IT software companies CGE25101 Globalization and Business Tutorial 12 Discussion Question: The Porter’s Diamond Michael Porter put forth a theory in 1990 to explain why some countries are leaders in the production of certain products. His work incorporates certain elements of previous international trade theories but also makes some important new discoveries. He identifies four elements present to varying degrees in every nation that form the basis of national competitiveness. Analyze the current situation of Japan using the four elements of Porter’s national competitive advantage theory. Suggested Answers: 21. Factor conditions Japan possesses relatively weak basic factors but good advanced factors, e.g. availability of high quality scientist and engineers; and advanced rail road and telecommunication infrastructure. 22. Demand conditions High degree of buyer sophistication Strong preference for new product and high demand for quality products and services 23. Related and supporting industries Clusters in manufacturing sector are sustained by abundant and high quality supporting industries. For example, the automobile parts cluster in Ota City and the industrial supply base for construction machinery in Komatsu City. 24. Firm strategy and rivalry Good cooperation in labor-employer relations. Japan has traditionally lifetime employment, which helps to build good relationship between management and employees High intensity of local competition. There are large number of companies in both manufacturing and service sectors, e.g. car manufacturers and IT software companies CGE25101 Globalization and Business Tutorial 12 Discussion Question: The Porter’s Diamond Michael Porter put forth a theory in 1990 to explain why some countries are leaders in the production of certain products. His work incorporates certain elements of previous international trade theories but also makes some important new discoveries. He identifies four elements present to varying degrees in every nation that form the basis of national competitiveness. Analyze the current situation of Japan using the four elements of Porter’s national competitive advantage theory. Suggested Answers: 25. Factor conditions Japan possesses relatively weak basic factors but good advanced factors, e.g. availability of high quality scientist and engineers; and advanced rail road and telecommunication infrastructure. 26. Demand conditions High degree of buyer sophistication Strong preference for new product and high demand for quality products and services 27. Related and supporting industries Clusters in manufacturing sector are sustained by abundant and high quality supporting industries. For example, the automobile parts cluster in Ota City and the industrial supply base for construction machinery in Komatsu City. 28. Firm strategy and rivalry Good cooperation in labor-employer relations. Japan has traditionally lifetime employment, which helps to build good relationship between management and employees High intensity of local competition. There are large number of companies in both manufacturing and service sectors, e.g. car manufacturers and IT software companies